How Does Bernie Sanders Make A Good President

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Every four years people elect a new president. Citizens make their choice by reading about the candidates, looking into their background, and looking at television ads. America has several different political parties. A few of the main ones that are most common are Democratic, Republicans, and Independents. Republicans are conservative people which mean they like to stick to traditional ideas. Democrats are liberal people which mean they are always willing to try new things. Bernie Sanders would make a great president. Bernie is a Democrat. Bernie also served in the House of Representatives for 16 years and has been the Vermont senator since 2007 (Russell). Bernie Sanders would make a good president because of his stance on health care, education, and environment. …show more content…

Senator Sanders wants to change quite a few things to the current system. He wants to expand Medicare for all by creating a single paying health care system for all Americans (Collinson). This means that all people that are legal in American can get some type of health insurance. Sanders also believe that it is time for the U.S. to join the single payer health care system (Desjardins). Not only does Bernie Sanders believe that health care reform is needed, but also he wants to make changes to the education system. Senator Sanders would also be a great president because of his stance on the education system. He wants to change the way the education system works. He wants to make the first wo years of free tuition (Desjardins). Reform student loans which mean how much they can charge a student for college and how long they have to pay it back. Not only does he care about the education problem (Russell). Sanders also cares about the tax