How Does Browning-Ferris Industries Affect The Free Market?

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The recent ruling of the National Labor Relations Board regarding Browning-Ferris Industries could have a huge impact on contract employment (National Labor Relations Board, 2015). According to Forbes, America’s workforce is 15.9% contract employment (Pofeldt, 2015). The free market could potentially have more regulations and make it harder for business minded individuals to pursue contract employment. The most significant impact this could cause is the downfall of small businesses and more regulations for them.
The National Labor Relations Board decided that Browning-Ferris Industries is a joint employer and mandate to negotiate with the teamsters union over workers supplied by a contract staffing firm. The National Labor Relations Board reversed several decades of practice in which companies had the ability to direct and have immediate control over workers (Fisher, 2015). …show more content…

As Americans we cannot see something that is being hurt and not do something about it, therefore, we should let our government know that our free market is being affected. The ruling can affect many small businesses, a good example are the franchises like subway. The franchisee will no longer have the authority to do contracts, instead the franchisor will have to step in and set standards according to the government (Fisher, 2015). If we put ourselves in a small business owner’s shoes we would definitely feel the pressure, because of the new regulations that could take place. These regulations will not benefit small business owners because of the prices they could end up paying or the services that might not be adequate for