How Does Clarisse Create Happiness In Fahrenheit 451

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The brain works in mysterious ways, and because of this everyones brains will have different reactions to happiness. Whether in Fahrenheit 451 or in the real world, happiness can not be easily defined; the things that make one person happy might not make another person happy in the same way, if at all. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a very good example of how people feel emotions differently, especially happiness. The relationship between Clarisse and Montag is the first emotional conflict that the readers see. Clarisse is seen in society as different, weird, non-social, even though to the reader she is normal and social, Clarisse recognizes that she is different than the people in her society because when Montag asks her why she does …show more content…

She was at summer camp one summer and she had a very good relationship with food, that is what made her happy. One of the day’s they had donut’s for dessert and she had grabbed one for one of her friends and that friend had told her she did not want it and did not like food that much. She rarely ate even when they would all sit at the lunch table together she would barely touch her food. At that moment Grace knew that some things that made her happy did not make others happy. It put life into a different perspective for her because she always thought that people loved food as much as she did and it made people happy like it made her. That day she realized that everyone was different and everyone experienced things differently. She says, “‘There is always someone differentiated by their mental, physical, or emotional background and health, who would be unable or unwilling to feel the same as me. This doesn’t make anyone’s emotions less valid, it just exemplifies the way in which people are unique’” (Luckett). She explains that even though everyone is different and thinks differently it shows that we are unique and our brains just all work differently. She also brings up, “‘Because happiness is specific to each individual person, when someone feels happy it may bring them back to a different experience that made them feel the same way, leading them down a road detailing their own joy.’” (Luckett). Not only do we all find happiness in the moment, we can also find it in memories from way back. That is another thing that separates people from each other. People find happiness in their past and not everyone can experience that and so our happiness also depends on the life we lived before