How Does Destruction Affected In The Destructors

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In the story “The Destructors” by Graham Greene destruction affects an extreme amount of things and is the basis of the story. I am going to show and explain how much destruction can provide a positive or negative influence. Lets face it, destroying something is satisfying. It always has been, always will be… to an extent and what you’re destroying. In this story they destroy Old Misery’s house, and have fun doing it. The place they live in was destroyed and depending on who was dropping the bombs they might have mixed feelings about it. Of course there's more than physical destruction. The kids must’ve been emotionally destroyed which made them destroy Old Misery’s house. For instance when the kids were destroying the house, they weren’t doing it out of anger. In fact, I don’t think they were really mad at him. They were mad at the war, everything around them and everything that had …show more content…

It has ruined more lives and more buildings than any war. These kids, this gang is all because of what they had to deal with while growing up. “Northwood terrace - literally leantfor it had suffered from the blast of the bomb.” (364)No one comes out unscathed from a war even people across the world were affected in one way or another. All these kids must've seen and heard some horrible things, people that they knew houses were getting blown up. Destroying one old man’s house isn't the first or the worst thing these kids will do. In conclusion, destruction is the basis of the story… the plot and everything in between. Obviously the primary is them destroying Old Misery’s house, not out of anger and being very technical about it. The neighbourhood that they grew up in is destroyed. Everywhere around them is destruction. They are all emotionally damaged, no way to fix it but time. Destruction is everywhere and always will be but it’s not about who destroys something it’s about who comes to help clean up and