How Does Doris Anderson Argue Point By Point

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STRUCTURE 1. Is Doris Anderson’s argument mainly a comparison or a contrast? Doris Anderson’s argument is mainly contrast due to fact that she compared women to other minorities such as Quebeckers, Blacks and more. 2. Does Anderson argue “point by point” or by “halves”? The structure that Anderson argue is “point by point” since a subject or topic alternates and compares with another subject or topic in the same paragraph. An illustration that shows ‘point by point’ structure in Dory Anderson’s essay is when she stated “It would be called a discrimination if a member of a religious group was beaten up, and the assailant would be jailed. But hundreds of wives get beaten by their husbands week in and week out, year after year. Some die, yet …show more content…

4. Identify the point when Anderson’s description of minorities shifts; to her description of women. The point when Anderson’s description of minorities shifts; to her description of women is in line (paragraph) 11. “Most women work at two jobs – one inside the home and one outside. Yet three out of four women who become widowed or divorced or have never married live out their old age in poverty”. Therefore, it is evident that she stated other minorities such as Quebeckers and Black before shifting to her description of women. 5. Why does this feminist essay never mention women until halfway through? How does this tactic help Anderson reach the potentially hostile 49 percent of her AUDIENCE which is male? Doris Anderson; the author of “The 51 Percent of Minority” never mention women until halfway through in order to capture the attention of readers. To begin with, she mentioned the discrimination between Quebeckers, left-handed, doctor, black person and Catholics since it is one of the controversial dilemma that still exists within the society. Therefore, this tactic help Anderson reach the potentially hostile 49 percent of her audience which is male since the categories of other minorities such as Quebeckers could apply and be relevant to any person in this world despite their …show more content…

Why does the closing offer a series of new examples? Why are they so short? The closing offers a series of new examples in order to target all of the categories in industry (particularly men). It is short in order to create a greater impact and emphasize the power that women are capable of. STYLE 1. How important is the title of an essay? What should it do? How effective is this one, and why? The title plays a significant role in an essay since it is the first impression or the element that audiences would look at. The title will either lead to capture the attention of readers and make them anticipate or disinterest them. Moreover, the title “The 51-Per-Cent Minority” is effective due to the fact that the number and words contradict within each other. This is an example of literature term called “Irony” which will be explained afterwards. 2. Anderson’s essay appeared in Maclean’s magazine for the general reader. Name all the ways in which her essay seems designed for that person. Doris Anderson’s essay is designed for any person due to the fact that the situation she mentions could apply to anyone. Racism and Degrading rights of women are still societal issues that the world needs to know and find solution to this inhumane problem. THINKING