How Does Ender's Game Relate To The Manipulation Of Young People

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Born into Manipulation, Orson Scott Card’s novel, Ender’s Game(EG), reveals how Adult Manipulation Of Young People mostly results in young people feeling lonely and without a sense of purpose. Undoubtedly we see this repeated notion time and time again in EG. First, Ender has been manipulated all of his life. Second, Ender feels lonely and lost because of manipulation. Last, because of manipulation Ender becomes stuck & without ambition. These three thoughts clearly reveal how manipulation of young people like Ender, results in people feeling lonely and without a sense of purpose. First, Ender has been manipulated all of his life, and kids like Ender are prone to manipulation. EG has proved that people with skills like Ender are prone to manipulation just like Graph, and all leaders in the I.F. …show more content…

According to Card, “Why not, I’ve spent my life as someone else's pawn”(Card, 312) Meaning that he feels that someone else is controlling his life. Second, Ender has spent life as a pawn and consequently is lonely and lost. Through his years of being controlled, he ends up feeling lonely and afraid. According to the novel, “Graff had deliberately set him up to be separate from the other boys, made it impossible for him to be close to them.It also made him lonely, afraid, angry, untrusting.” (Card, Pdf 130). This implies that Ender has all sorts of negative emotions. He has been manipulated away from his family and the only one who loves him. a. The sassy of the sassy. Ender said this, “They decided I was right for the program, but nobody ever asked me if I was right for the program.”(Craft, 108). Evidence stated above reveals, Ender did not want to be forced and manipulated by Graph to then become reduced to a pawn. Ender becomes stuck in a state without ambition. According to Valentine, “Whatever they did to Ender in Battle School, they had spent his ambition.”(Card,

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