How Does Fashion Affect Society

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Today’s topic is going to be about fashion affecting society. Every person has different opinions on how this works. First of all fashion trends is making people go insane. Literally not everyone but some are getting wrong ideas. Parents are complaining on why their kids are not focusing in school. Fashion is the reason why their brains aren’t focus on learning the attention is all on fashion. Why are people feeling uncomfortable with themselves? Well there being judgmental. Fashion is a whole other story when things start to be in issue. Changing trends and values are on another level. First, people are too focus on how they want to dress and change their whole closet for a style. But do they know that they are making the wrongly choices. …show more content…

First, teens like to be popular so they like to have a style. On the other hand, not every person is worried about being all that. Although some are being judge and bullied, which can cause serious problems. “Today children are growing up too fast”. For instance, girls are being so picky on their clothes. Boys themselves like to have all the swag and be the cool kids. “This is causing the current generation to grow up in a shallower world where looks are more important than personality and skills”. In addition, personalities and skills is what should be important because it is what makes you a better person. The attention that fashion is giving you will not get you anywhere in life. For one thing, materials like this is a waste of time there is no need to be the person who only cares about their style. In the meantime, fashion is putting pressure on the kids and is distracting their learning. At this point, parents need to start being more aware with their children. As you can see, they should be taught with value of self-respect and love their natural selves. There is a harsh world out there that can change your mind in every way and you want to be protected to do the right things in life or