How Does Federalism Affect Public Policy In Canada

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Federalism affects Public Policy
In Canada the health care system is a group of health insurance plans which provide coverage for all Canadian citizens. Health care is a public policy in Canada and it is greatly affected by federalism because of its power enabling a significant role in the development of the health care policy. It is funded through provincial support with guidelines set by the federal government.
There are some differences between the federal power and provincial power in health care. The majority of the legislative power in health care is granted to the provincial level of the government. According to the Department of Justice Canada, the Constitution Act of 1867- 1982 allows the provincial level authority to pass laws concerning …show more content…

This means that they are not covered to services of physicians outside of hospitals. If Canadians were not treated through a hospital they were required to pay for the services to the practices they attended either through private insurance schemes or non-universal public plans. Hospital and medical insurance of contemporary Medicare in Saskatchewan. (François Rocher, Miriam Smith p.2). In 1962, Saskatchewan's government introduced the universal coverage plan for physicians who delivered services outside of hospitals. Under this new plan the physicians were to bill the government for their services they provided to their patients. The development of federal health care policies in the Medical Care Act were introduced in 1966. This act under the legislation is to commit to sharing the costs with the provinces. The act requires a certain law which the province would need to reach in order to acquire federal funding. Federalism founded a cost-sharing plan for hospital insurance in 1957 for Medicare. (François Rocher, Miriam Smith p.7) Medicare is for discussing terms of a nationwide public health care plan with the provinces. All Canadians should meet the requirements for health coverage but each province or territories operate their own health programs with rules and qualifications. An example, for Ontario a residence must "be physically present in …show more content…

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