How Does Fitzgerald Create Identity In The Great Gatsby

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However, behind the deceptive appearance of Gatsby is a character who represents selflessness and morality, both of which are seen to be vacant in the upper class. Fitzgerald is able to expose Gatsby’s true identity through his words and actions whilst simultaneously criticising the vices of the upper class. One of the most visually striking points in “The Great Gatsby” is when Owl-eyes “ascertained” that the books in Gatsby’s library are “real” (pg 47). The expectation that the majority of items brought by the upper class is to satisfy appearance is one made by anyone associated with the class; it is to Owl-eyes a surprise that these books are real as appearance is greatly valued above substance in the upper class. In Owl-eyes, Fitzgerald has developed a character that “is presented as someone who pierces the façade” of the upper class with his sole function to expose to the reader how the behaviour of Gatsby is …show more content…

This is reinforced further with Gatsby “having one on those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it” (pg 49) with Fitzgerald’s diction of the word “rare” detailing how Gatsby’s words and actions further distances himself from the upper class. Unlike the rest of people at the party, Gatsby is not someone driven by “easy money in the vicinity” (pg 43) but instead is “concentrated on you… believed in you… assured you” highlighting his appreciation of others rather than the self-indulgent attitude depicted by the rest of the upper class. The words and actions of Gatsby reveal a character with a great deal more substance than others that surround him, emphasising further how Gatsby’s actions are polar to the philosophy of the upper class, even though his appearance is similar. The void between Gatsby and the rest of the upper class only expands further when we take the ending of the text into