
How Does Gene Brucker Respond To Love And Marriage In Renaissance Europe?

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In the book, Love and Marriage in Renaissance Europe, Giovanni and Lusanna, written by Gene Brucker, a historian who researched and studied about love and marriage during the Renaissance time period, analysis how social classes in marriage are defined by wealth. He also explains the treatment of men that has an upper class status and how bribery is utilized in the decision making process. Brucker presents an account of a marriage agreement that took place according to Lusanna, but Giovanni denied those claims. The city of Florence was ruled by the Medici family for generations, which held an enormous amount of power beginning with Cosimo, who “dispensed favors to his allies, clients, and creatures in the form of offices, loans, remission …show more content…

Giovanni della Casa, an aristocrat (nobility), someone that possesses rank and privileges. Lusanna was an artisan woman that was less wealthy and powerful. Finally, a woman stood up against the prevailing men of Florence to be recognized that love and marriage can coexist between the poor and wealthy, “one woman’s struggle to gain a measure of personal independence in a male-dominate world (93). Although, Lusanna was married, she caught Giovanni’s attention and they pursued one another. As time passed on they fell in love with each other, with Giovanni promising to marry Lusanna. Lusanna filed a case against Giovanni, accusing him of marrying another woman while married to her. Giovanni denied her accusation and denied ever marrying Lusanna. Archbishop Antoninus; a high-level leader of the Church presided over the case against Giovanni della Casa. Antoninus was also completely incorruptible, meaning he could do absolutely no wrong. When Cosimo de’ Medici, the most powerful and richest man in Florence presented a potential bribe to Antoninus, “asked the archbishop to rule in his favor on a case before his court” (13). Archbishop Antoninus responded to the high class citizen of Florence, “'it was not necessary to [to petition him], for if he was in the right, justice would be rendered to him, as it would be to the lowliest man in Florence'” …show more content…

Through communication with her son -in -law, Marco Parenti, she would learn of any other prospects and will also “learn if he (Francesco) wishes to give her [in marriage]” (37). Now, Francesco is well known in Florence and has been in office. He is well-respected and has raised his daughter in a suitable manner. So, what is the reason for his desire to marry his daughter to someone in exile? The following were three reasons that were given. First, “there aren’t many young men of good family who had both virtue and property”. Second, “she has only a small dowry, 1000 florins, which is the dowry of an artisan” Third, “I believe that he will give her away, because he has a large family and he will need help to settle them…” (38). Francesco told Marco that he heard of his inquiries about her and that when they made up their minds, “she will come to us willingly” and that the dowry he had for her was small. This is a reason why he wants her to marry outside of Florence. (38). Although, Francesco felt in the beginning that marriage outside of Florence would be beneficial, he later retracted that thought and felt “it would be a serious matter to send his daughter so far away [to Naples], and to a house that might be described as a hotel” (40). It appears that Alessandra is angry with Francesco decision because she thought that if her son married he

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