In many situations all across the world there happens to be cases of governments becoming corrupt and gaining too much power. This situation occurred multiple times in author, George Orwell’s life. When Orwell began writing his novel World War II had just come to an end and Orwell experienced the rise and fall of four dictatorships in total, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Francisco Franco. Because of his experiences with these dictators, Orwell felt he needed to warn the people of the dangers of having a government with too much power. He successfully warned everyone in his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is about a totalitarian society where the government becomes corrupted thus, gaining too much power. In Orwell’s …show more content…
While Winston works, there are cameras placed everywhere to keep a constant watch on everybody. Orwell explains Winston’s job, “even the written instructions which Winston received… which it was necessary to put right in the interests of accuracy” (37). Winston is given handwritten directions everyday, showing that even though Winston is very aware of how to do his job, the government still insists on telling him how to get it done. This shows how the Party aims to take away any source of individuality because, in Oceania individuality is the last thing the Party wants so they block every form of this being able to happen by giving out written instructions everyday. Literary analysis expert, Irving Howe, explains, “In 1984 Orwell is trying to present the kind of world in which individuality has become obsolete and personality a crime” (62). Howe further explains in this quote how the main goal of the Party is to eliminate all individualism, which happens when having complete control over everyday jobs. Next, totalitarianism prevents any sort of individuality through the strict rules that are set upon the citizens of Oceania. The rules that have been set upon the people are extremely strict and if