How Does Golding Show Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

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Leadership is defined as “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.” Our class just finished reading the novel Lord of The Flies by William Golding. Golding made many points throughout the book showing leadership with many characters. Jack, Ralph, and Piggy all show leadership through the book, but each character shows different type of leadership. Throughout the book Piggy showed the biggest leadership to the group. Piggy is the one you would say is a thinker, because unlike Jack his thinks on what will be the best solution for the group instead of himself. He takes everything to the heart and if it won’t help the group but will help him he still want do it. Piggy doesn’t have a lot of voice on the island because Jack thinks him and Ralph are the leaders and control what the whole group does. Piggy just sits back and just watches things play out. …show more content…

Piggy actually came up with the idea to use his glasses to start the fire with the sun. Piggy just takes time and thinks what to do instead of the others just saying what comes to their mind. Piggy’s glasses show that he is a clear mind for thinking. His glasses are one of his best tools when it comes to thinking or accomplishing things. Or when Jack lit the side of the mountain on fire and burned a lot of the food source, and killed a few of the little ones that were on the side of the mountain collecting