
How Does Huealer Use Ethos In Animal Farm

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The use of ethos, pathos and logos in the novel Animal Farm was significant to the overall flow and theme to the story. Ethos is an appeal to a person's sense of ethics. Ethos was used in the novel many times and has a huge effect on the whole book. An example of a specific time ethos was used in the novel was with Squealer. Squealer was trying to convince the rest of the pigs that they do not like milk and apples. This is ethos because it is appealing to the rest of the pigs ethics and senses that they do not like this type of food. Squealer cannot tell the pigs they do not like a specific type of food because he does not know them but he uses ethos to persuade them. Another significant type of persuasion that was significant to the book was …show more content…

With pathos, you can make up a story to persuade or you can come up with a speech to persuade. An example of pathos being used in the novel Animal Farm was again with Squealer. Since the pigs weren't doing their job once, Squealer used pathos to make the pigs feel bad about not doing their jobs and Squealer also used their old tyrant "Mr Jones" to persuade the pigs. "Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back! Surely, comrades," cried Squealer almost pleadingly, skipping from side to side and whisking his tail, "surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?"(15) Squealer uses pathos to persuade the pigs Mr Jones will come back if they keep failing there jobs. The last significant act of persuasion used in the novel is logos. Logos is an appeal to a person's sense of logic. Logos is also used to persuade someone just by logically thinking. An example of logos used in the novel Animal Farm was with Squealer again. Squealer had realized that production was lower without Mr Jones then with Mr Jones so Squealer had to persuade the animals on the farm that life was better now then how it was before by using logos.

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