How Does Hummbert Manipulate The Character Of Lolita

1019 Words5 Pages

Ryan Carney
Elena Sommers
Dangerous Text

Human beings have an unachievable thirst for power and will use anything and everything, to exploit someone else for their benefit. We see how Humbert controls Lolita for the beginning of their relationship but eventually finds himself being controlled by Lolita’s cunning ways to manipulate his sexual desires.
The novel introduces us to our narrator and main character Humbert Humbert, a man with the looks and the intelligence of being a teacher. Yet, we find out that he is a deeply sexually disturbed man, longing for young, prepubescent girls that he calls nymphets. His pedophilia is blatant and is massively concerned about young girls, but mostly he only cares for Lolita. The reason he has this attachment for Lolita is that his first true love, Annabel, unfortunately passed causing psychological damage that is later relevant in his life. Humbert says, "I see Annabel in such general terms as, 'honey colored skin,' 'thin arms,' 'brown bobbed hair,' 'long lashes,' …show more content…

The reader tends to think that Humbert is a harsh pervert because his language tends to lead us to believe he is. Yet, Humbert can be quite cunning, especially when it comes to his sexual encounters with Lolita. On his first try at her, he gives her sleeping pills hoping that she will fall asleep, therefore allowing him to “feel” her as he pleases. But, this sadly for him does not go as planned. This is when Humbert thinks he has the fragile situation under control. Humbert describes his plans, saying, “I would let myself into that "342" and find my nymphet, my beauty and bride, imprisoned in her crystal sleep" (123). He fiendishly describes her and what he will do but Humbert is not an expert at developing plans. The pills didn't even work, making matters worse for him; she didn't even stay asleep long enough for him to lay a finger on