How Does Huxley Show Gender Equality In Brave New World

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Gender equality has become more and more important over the years, yet we still see several books, movies, and tv shows where males are superior to women in many ways. Brave New World is one of the many books that shows gender inequality. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, is a novel about a new kind of society where technology is taking over. Here, mothers, fathers and even families don’t exist. Everyone is made in a tube and programed to think a certain way depending on their cast. Alphas being the highest then Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons being the lowest. In this society promiscuity is praised and love and relationships are looked down on. Although Huxley makes an attempt at trying to show gender equality through cast membership and promiscuity one gender still shows superiority.
Even though Huxley shows gender equality through cast membership he still only highlights the males. Huxley doesn’t …show more content…

In Brave New World women are forced to take several pills and use many devices to prevent pregnancy even if they don’t want to. You can see this when Huxley says “Syrup of corpus luteum,” Lenina read the names aloud. “Ovarin, guaranteed fresh: not to be used after August 1st, A.F 632. Mammary gland extract: to be taken three times daily, before meals, with a little water. Placementin: 5cc to be injected intraventally every third day… ugh!” Lenina shuddered. “How I loathe intravenals…”(38). Lenina hates having to take all of these pills yet to live in the world state it is mandatory, yet they have nothing for men to take to become sterile. Although it is okay for both men and women to be promiscuous Lenina is the only one who is punished for being this way. When she tries to be intimate with John “the savage” she is beaten and humiliated by him. Huxley does not show any of the male characters being denied sexualy or treated differently for the way they