How Does Iago Use Logos In Othello

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Iago uses Logos to make Othello more suspicious between Desdemona and Cassio

and he uses it to make himself look more honest.Iago’s plan is to make Cassio tell him

about Bianca so when he will laugh Othello will become mad because he thinks they are talking

about Desdemona.This makes Iago, look more honest and Desdemona a bad wife.Iago tells

things to Othello about Desdemona and has to prove it to Othello.His main purpose of using

Logos is to have evidence to prove Othello is wrong regarding Desdemona’s faithfulness.Iago

says “Bade him anon return and here speak with me, The which he promised. Do but encave

yourself, And mark the fleers, the gibes, and notable scorns That dwell in every region of his

face For I will make him …show more content…

Am I the motives of those tears, my lord?” (IV.ii.44-45).

This quote shows Desdemona’s cluelessness and Othello’s feelings.Othello’s feelings are shown

and they prove that he still cares about Desdemona and loves her but wishes that her being

unfaithful was not true.Through all the things that Othello heard about Desdemona he still cares

and loves her even though he never directly said it to anyone.

3. Desdemona does know that she will die.She predicts she is going to die when she sings the

song.Willow was sang by her mother’s maid, Barbara, and she died sing it.Desdemona says

“An old thing ’twas, but it expressed her fortune And she died singing it. That song tonight

Will not go from my mind. I have much to do But to go hang my head all at one side

And sing it like poor Barbary. Prithee, dispatch”( IV.iii.26-32). This song reminded Desdemona

of her story and how she will die.This song proves that Desdemona knows that she is going