How Does Ibsen Use Euphemism In Hedda Gabler

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The play, Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen, is about defying society 's limitations in order to achieve disclosure of one 's essential self. The protagonist, Hedda Gabler, is cunning, deceitful, and manipulative; her disposition is displayed most prominently within passage three, after she acquires Lovborg 's manuscript from George Tesman. In the passage, Hedda attempts to convince Lovborg to commit suicide, then she burns his manuscript after he leaves. In a grasping attempt to seize control over her life, Hedda conceals her true motives and beliefs from the public eye through her wariness of her words and actions. As the play develops, Hedda is constantly acting covertly and manipulating others to carry out her plans. Although this passage is …show more content…

Hedda 's choice of words lightens the mood, which would have otherwise been bleak. Furthermore, opting to call the pistol a 'souvenir ' rather than a gun implies that guns are trivial playthings which can be toyed with for amusement. Hedda uses euphemism to affiliate the pistol with fond memories, suggesting that the next time Lovborg witnesses the gun in use again, another enjoyable memory will be created. Hedda 's proficiency of diction allows her to easily alter her victim 's mindset …show more content…

Hedda is an extremely secretive individual who only expresses her true thoughts when she is completely alone. After Lovborg leaves, Hedda listens for a moment at the door to make sure no one is approaching and begins throwing sheets of Lovborg 's manuscript into the stove while whispering: “Now I 'm burning your child, Thea! You, with your curly hair! Your child and Eilert Lovborg 's.” (Ibsen 288). Hedda had threatened to burn off Thea 's hair before, while they were in school together, but this is the first time that Hedda describes Thea 's hair as curly. Considering that hair is a symbol of fertility and health, Thea 's voluminous and vivacious hair compared to Hedda 's flat and dull hair juxtaposes not only their physical appearances, but also their mothering abilities. Thea exemplifies all the qualities that an ideal mother has, such as kindness while Hedda, on the other hand, is destructive, selfish, and cold-hearted. Although Hedda loathes Thea 's traits, she envies her because of Lovborg 's new found preference to said traits, giving Thea sway over his decisions. Thea and Lovborg 's relationship revolves around the manuscript; Hedda, therefore, believes that destroying the manuscript will destroy their relationship thus, allowing her to regain influence over Lovborg. Her fear of being rejected by society, hence losing power over her life, prevents her from wholly professing anything: her aversion,