How Does Lady Macbeth Change Throughout The Play

684 Words3 Pages

Hussein Alshahad


English 10

13 March 2023

Analyzing The Character Lady Macbeth In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

In Macbeth by William Shakespeare the play revolves around the life of a Scottish general named Macbeth who was given a number of weird prophecies that predicted his future by 3 witches he met after a battle. Later in the play Macbeth was pushed by his wife to act upon those prophecies. This mistake will later prove to change the course of both their lives. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth's actions change due to the emotions she is feeling. At the beginning she was greedy and powerful but later on she starts to fear for her life and has a guilty conscience.
Lady Macbeth was selfish and greedy at the beginning …show more content…

First, Lady Macbeth started feeling fear before the murder of King Duncan. “I laid their daggers ready; he could not miss ‘em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t”(Shakespeare 2.2.12-14). Lady Macbeth tries to find excuses to not kill Duncan herself out of fear that she would fail so she tries to convince her husband.Lady Macbeth is finding excuses to not kill Duncan herself out of fear that she would fail so she tries to convince her husband. Second, Lady Macbeth tries to calm herself and her husband by lying. “A little water clears us of this deed”(Shakespeare 2.2.66). Lady Macbeth is trying to make herself and her husband feel a little less scared after they killed King Duncan. In conclusion, Lady Macbeth feels fear after the deed is done and starts to try comforting her husband by telling him everything will be …show more content…

First, Lady Macbeth starts to feel guilt when she realizes that she was responsible for Duncan’s death. “Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!’’(Shakespeare 5.1.45-47). Lady Macbeth realizes that no matter what she will do nothing will erase Duncan’s death from her conscience. Second, Lady Macbeth’s guilt gets to the point where she starts hallucinating and imagining things that don’t exist. “Out, damned spot! out, I say!’’(Shakespeare 5.1.3). Lady Macbeth starts imagining blood on her hand that doesn’t exist. In conclusion, Lady Macbeth starts to see serious consequences when she starts hallucinating and sleepwalking at the

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