
How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play

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Macbeth has a lot of development in this book. Some of the ways he changed built characters, some changes killed bonds. This happens many times throughout the plot some changes were made by force, through the manipulation of his wife. Others are from the power getting to his head. Through these developments you can see Macbeth go from coward to killer to demise. Not only does Macbeth change when he is faced with a power struggle. He also changes with people, his relationship with others that he interacts with switches significantly. He goes from a guy that many can depend on, and one that would bend over backwards to help his wife or friends to a guy that’s stone cold. He was once known as a dude that was a bit cowardly to some that doesn’t …show more content…

Towards the end he seems to change as he knows that his power will soon come to an end. It’s not as if they had really given up but more as in they don’t really seem to be trying. Macbeth states “ I’m starting to grow tired of living, and I’d like to see the world plunged into chaos.” ( Macbeth pg 205) in this quote he’s literally saying that he doesn’t really want to live and he’s okay with going out as long as he just stirs up trouble, that makes a lot of sense because he’s already had his fun in being king. He’s also had hands in many murders and he knew it was coming. “You are the only man I have avoided. But go away now. I’m already guilty of killing your whole family” ( Macbeth pg 213) Macbeth has admitted to Malcolm that he’s the one that killed Malcolm’s family, Macbeth knows that this isn’t going to do anything but make Malcolm mad. Macbeth is trying to create that …show more content…

In the beginning of the play Macbeth is looked at as a brave warrior when around other soldiers. He is well respected by Duncan, but with his wife he comes off as a weaker man. “ it is clear that while the couple share ambition, Lady Macbeth is at first more willing to catch " If Macbeth professes to have "vaulting ambition," it is his wife who encourages him, despite his own fears of cosmic justice, expressed in that remarkable early soliloquy.”(Masiello, What is the relationship like between Macbeth and lady Macbeth, 2016) With this quote it gives you an insight of how their relationship worked. Lady Macbeth was the more dominant person in the relationship, while on the outside Macbeth was seen as a brave courageous soldier in his relationship he was much less and seen as weak. Now, for how Macbeth changed in their relationship. Towards the end of the play Lady Macbeth goes through a mental breakdown and the doctor tells Macbeth that Lady Macbeth has died Macbeth did seem to have a mental breakdown. Macbeth has come to change his personal relationship with his wife. He took his focus off her and only focused on the power. He took it so far to not even care about the death of his wife. As stated in this quote “She should have died hereafter ”(Macbeth Act 5 scene 5) when saying this it seems as if he was of the opinion that she was going to die

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