How Does Mark Twain Use Ethos Pathos And Logos In The Damned Human Race

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Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, suggest anacondas, cats and squirrels have a mutual trait. That mankind has descended from these animals, contrary to the popular Darwinian Theory that humans are the most evolved animal species. Twain opposes Darwinism with effective pathos and logos, while comparing human and animal nature, and classifying mankind as the lowest creature of all. Twain claims; indecency, vulgarity and obscenity are qualities associated with the useless moral sense existing sole in mankind. Therefore, human’s cruel qualities and erratic behavior are inferior to animal species, which is exactly what Mark Twain defends in the sarcastic evaluation of humanity named, “The Damned Human Race.” With-in Mark Twain’s writing it’s clear he is trying to …show more content…

Twain said, “I have not guessed or speculated or conjectured, but have used what is com¬monly called the scientific method…experiments were made in the London Zoological Gardens, and covered many months of painstaking and fatiguing work.” (Twain 1) This paragraph is a great example of Twains use of logos. Twain tries to bluff the reader by presenting himself as a scientist to strengthen the logic and reasoning of his essay. His arguments are built on a metaphorical foundation, if read literally this style could cause him to lose credibility quickly with his audiences. However, Twains use of mockery, fraudulent authority and hasty generalizations with-in his essay lends to an overall successful delivery. His use of logos, by means of sarcasm, are very effective in causing the reader to see his perspective. Twain discuss a squirrel gathering his winters supply of food, and how the squirrel only gathers what he needs to survive the season. By comparing the squirrels to mankind’s endless lust for materials, Twain use of logos is able to shame people into believing they are not equal with the squirrel in this