How Does Mary Oliver Use Imagery In Crossing The Swamp

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Mary Oliver’s “Crossing the Swamp” describes a journey through a metaphorical swamp and uses it to demonstrate the potential for growth and change through overcoming hardships. Within the poem, the speaker’s relationship with this swamp is grueling, yet rewarding, revealing how difficult situations typically seen as unfortunate can actually be renewing. Through the use of personification and intimate imagery, the poet develops an affectionate relationship between the speaker and the swamp. Though imagery, used in nearly all pieces of literature, is always relevant, it is especially significant in “Crossing the Swamp.” The speaker shows their affection for this figurative swamp by using terms such as “succulent marrows” and “dark burred faintly belching bogs,” giving life to the otherwise dull images. Descriptions such as these effectively develop a personal connection between the reader and the swamp as well. Positive words such as “painted” and ”glittered” bring the more promising aspects of the speaker’s struggles to light and show that though there are difficulties in life, there is always beauty within them. …show more content…

Seemingly a simple, artistic description of a tree, these words also show the changed feelings of the speaker at the end of their journey through this swamp. After all their struggles that they once found difficult to even understand, the reader suddenly pictures this beautiful, inspirational tree, signifying a new life along a new journey. That newfound optimism also signifies closure for the speaker, and proves that they are capable of overcoming anything and nthat the resulting personal growth makes all struggles worth it in the