How Does Mary Shelley Use Allusions In Frankenstein

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How Mary Shelley’s Use of Allusions Further Her Story
In the gothic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley allusion is used many times to clue in the reader as to how the character is feeling or to help understand a metaphor used in the text. Shelley uses literary allusions to explain how a character feels and why they do what they do. This literary device is shown in multiple parts of the novel such as chapter 15 and letter 2.
In letter 2 of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley while Robert Walton is writing to his sister, he references the albatross from the poem “Ancient Mariner" Walton says “but I shall kill no albatross; therefore do not be alarmed for my safety or I should come back to you as worn and woeful as the “Ancient Mariner” Shelley does