Social Media Influence On Religion

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Illiyin Bte Anuwar 1404102D
Basic Media Research
Literature Review
Teenagers’ view on religion
(Does information that is obtained from the internet affect Singaporean youths’ views on religion?)


Religion has evolved from generation to generations. The way religion is being perceived differs from the X Generation’s point of view and the Y Generation’s point of view. According to a new study from Pew Research Center, 92% of teens report going online daily. Since new media is so widely used by youths (of age 16 to 30), the way they obtain their information as well as their thinking process may differ from the older generation. Therefore, religion may seem far-fetched to most youths. This research is important …show more content…

This however, might give less credibility to the information given. The medium that provides the information influences the level of credibility. A study was conducted and it shows that if “more users of the social media produce the same views in the form of blogs, posts, scraps, reviews, comments etc., about a product it makes product related information credible,” Mir, I., & Zaheer, A. (2012). This goes hand in hand with the social impact theory (Latane, 1981), which proposes the influence on an individual’s behavior towards a piece of information say if there is an increase of people in a group on social media. This journal showed good points about the reinforcement of messages on social media can result to youths believing in them. If more research was conducted on religion specifically, it could suggest the same results on opinions or news regarding religion that are posted on new media …show more content…

The way religion is being perceived differs from the X Generation’s point of view and the Y Generation’s point of view and it is quite apparent. According to a new study from Pew Research Center, 92% of teens report going online daily. Since new media is so widely used by youths (of age 16 to 30), the way they obtain their information as well as their thinking process may differ from the older generation. Therefore, religion may seem far-fetched to most youths. This research is important to conduct so as to understand the behavior of youths in Singapore when they obtain information online, their thinking processes after receiving the information, and the impact it has on the way they view their religion. Other factors involved also include family upbringing, peer influence, and the spread of Western