Plant Music Experiment

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Question: The impact that music has on growth of plants?

Aim: The aim of this experiment is to see how music will impact the growth of plants

Hypothesis: Classical music will cause the plants to grow faster.

Apparatus: kidney beans cotton wool
3 containers room with sunlight access to classical and house music

Method: 1. Take three kidney beans, 3 containers and cotton wool to plant the beans
2. Plant the beans in put them in the same sort sunlight and temperature (don't forgot to give them water)
3. Play no music in the presence of plant 1
4. Play house music for an hour in the presence of plant 2 in the day
5. Play classical music for an hour in the presence of plant 3 in the day.
6. Measure each …show more content…

Author unknown date published April 2013 but updated April 2016 If plants respond to the ways it is nurtured and have several sensory perceptions, then how do they respond to sound waves and the vibrations created by musical sounds?Several studies have looked at this question, specifically how music effects plant growth. Experiments that have been taken seem to conclude that plants will respond best to classical music and Indian devotional music. For myself to have evidence to that I will need to do the experiment myself and concluded an answer. USEFULLNES:
The source answer the research topic very broadly because of the fact that many scientist have had different results thus showing that some sources don't agree that music makes the plants grow faster. Showing that the source is useful to a certain extend.

The information given by the source is from someone who conducted the experiment and had people do it to get result for themselves thus proving that it might not be an expert but it was from someone interested in this filled and well informed in how music effects the growth of plants.