How Does Napoleon Use Fear In Animal Farm

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Fear used in Animal Farm One of the most powerful propaganda techniques is fear since it is fundamentally irrational. By playing with people’s most profound, and irrational, fears, propagandists can sway opinions and promote action. Humans can do great or terrible things when motivated by fear. The author illustrates, through the pigs, how fear is used even today by people in power to repress those below them. Napoleon, similarly to Stalin, utilizes this technique throughout Animal Farm to maintain his power, control the other farm animals, and make sure there is no rebellion. Along with keeping the animals from questioning his orders and how he came to power. Controlling others becomes incredibly easy when one knows their fears. Firstly, Napoleon uses fear to maintain his power on the farm. He knows their greatest fear from the beginning of the rebellion, Mr.Jones. To the other farm animals, Mr.Jones is the epitome of evil. Napoleon plays with this fear by often repeating, “You don’t want Jones to come back, do you?”. Consequently, the fear of Jones and their former way of life influences the animals to follow Napoleon. This is because they think it is the only way to keep Jones from returning. When fear is prominent it has the power to control. …show more content…

He convinces the others that Snowball is a traitor and blames him for everything that goes wrong on the farm. Napoleon makes him out to be a despicable enemy who will come and destroy their hard work in the middle of the night. Such as when the windmill is blown to bits and he blames Snowball. Napoleon uses the supposed threat that Snowball poses in order to add to his own power by creating a sense of constant emergency. In short, he created a boogeyman to keep all the animals obedient, forcing them to work even harder to build a new