How Does Octavia E. Butler Use Racism In Kindred

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In the novel “Kindred ” By Octavia E. Butler, we travel back to a time were slavery and racism was at its peak when we are given the opportunity to see through the eyes of African American woman named Dana. Dana and her white husband, Kevin, get stuck between these two dimensions in time and get a real glimpse on what it is like to physically be in the 1800’s when they are exposed to this unfamiliar environment. As the author suggests to the reader to use their imagination and heighten their senses, they discover the true struggle of being an African American body and the process of waking up from the creation of racism. Dana also awakens to the emotional, physical, psychological trauma from the experiences she faces as a slave herself. During her warp though time, she endures much agony, fear, and difficulty that rudely awakens her to the harsh reality of Racism. Dana is a intelligent African American writer living in twenty first century in Los Angeles, California. Her reality is full of possibilities for education and …show more content…

“I was aware of him trying not to hurt me even as I raised the knife, even as I sank it into his side” (260). Dana realizes such coldness during this time, and she travels back to her reality with physical and emotional pain and ultimately evil …show more content…

Coates the writer awakens from the truth of the invention of race. As much as he wanted to believe that blackness was real, he came to the realization that it is simply and illusion and there was simply no such thing. “ I am marked by old codes, which shielded me in one world and then chained in the Next”(125). Coates and Dana will both realize they will forever will live with the pain and struggle they have witnessed on racial segregation. These experiences will remain within each of them and will on. Just like our society will all have to try to wake up and realize that this invention is nothing but a dangerous