How Does Physical Environment Affect Human Activities

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Canada’s Physical Environment affects Human Activities
There are various kinds of physical environment in Canada. The physical environment of Canada affects human activities, economic activities and natural resources. As a comparison there are Terrestrial Ecozone and Montane Cordillera Ecozone.
In Terrestrial Ecozone, the major human activities are hunting, fishing and trapping. It is because in this ecozone the landform is mostly rolling hills and plains, the plains are coastal lowlands combined with ocean water. So it is easy for the people in terrestrial ecozone to fish. Hunting and trapping are other examples of human activities. There are a lot of wildlife such as arctic fox, polar bear, arctic hare and snow geese. In order for the people to survive they have to hunt and trap the animals, so they can have food. They cannot have food from vegetation because the climate is too cold.
In Montane Cordillera Ecozone, it has The Rocky Mountain range, which is composed of small mountains. Which is totally different from Terrestrial Ecozone. The activities that can be done is forestry, it is because there are a lot of vegetation such as herbs, lichens and mosses. There are vegetation so the forestry is possible. The wildlife in this ecozone are moose, wolf, big horns and black bear. As a result it shows that the physical environment of Terrestrial Ecozone and Montane Cordillera Ecozone affects the human activities there, because for all wildlife and vegetation need their own