How Does Population Affect Climate Change

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Population and Climate Change
Climate change is the most highly influential topic in 21st century. It is now considered as a global phenomenon, which significantly impacts on human life. From the early beginnings of humans, we had changed the natural rule in many ways: by hunting, gathering and taming the wild animals… At first, the change of nature brought many practical benefits for the development of human beings. Over the years, people has gradually affected this beautiful planet, including its climate. Humans risk upsetting the ecological balance of the Earth as well as the change of regional climate. The more people there are, the more air, water, more education, housing and employment opportunities are needed. According to United Nations, it is estimated that by 2020, the world population will increase from the current 7.3 billion, to 8.2 million in 2030, to staggering 9.6 billion in 2050. The World population is rising up faster and faster every single second but this planet is unable to dilate. There are more humans, we need more food, more resources, more lands for farming, planting to supply our …show more content…

Climate changes affect the normal climate conditions that we are familiar to. Warmer average temperatures leads to hotter days as well as more frequent and longer heat waves. This can increase the number of heat-related illnesses and deaths. Changes in temperature, and extreme events could enhance the spread of some diseases. The increasing in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events could increase the risk of dangerous floods, stronger earthquakes, typhoons and other direct threats to people and property as well as the concentrations of unhealthy air and water pollutants. Climate change has caused global warming and rising sea levels, which could lead to the destruction of the Earth 's civilization, affect directly our food supplies, water resources, human health as well