How Does Climate Change Affect Food Security?

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Food security is the result of a stable food production system with stable social, economical and political atmosphere. Climate change may affect all dimensions of food security at different level ranging from global, national, state to individual household level. Due to climate change physical availability of food, economic and physical access to food, efficient food utilization and overall stability on availability, access and utilization of food has been affected. It will first and most affect the people and food systems that are already vulnerable, but over time the geographic distribution of risk and vulnerability is expected to shift and all geographical regions as well as all livelihood groups are at risk (FAO, 2008). Climate change …show more content…

As a result of heat stress at 2 times CO2 there could be about 50 per cent decrease in the most favourable and high-yielding wheat area. This area annually produces about 90 million tons of wheat grain (about 14 to 15% of global wheat production). In this area around 200 million people whose food intake relies on crop harvests would experience adverse impacts (IPCC, 2014). Srivastava et al., (2010) analyzed impacts of climate change on sorghum in India using the InfoCrop-SORGHUM simulation model. A changing climate was projected to reduce monsoon sorghum grain yield by 2 per cent to 14per cent by 2020, and yields will worse by 2050 and 2080. Impacts on winter sorghum are projected to reduce yields up to 7per cent by 2020, up to 11per cent by 2050 and up to 32 per cent by 2080. A dynamic vegetation model projected changes in more than a third of the forest area by 2100, mostly from deciduous to evergreen forest in response to increasing rainfall, although fragmentation and other human pressures are expected to slow these changes (Chaturvedi et al., 2011). A systematic review and meta-analysis of data in 52 original publications projected mean changes in yield by the 2050s across South Asia of 16 per cent for maize and 11 per cent for sorghum (Knox et al.,