
Threats To Australia And China's Food Production

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Global food production in both Australia and China are facing many threats including climate change, water scarcity and the increase of the population’s demand for food. Both countries’ challenges can lead to many other issues such as the increase of food prices and the concern of quality of the foods produced. This report will be exploring the main threats to Australia and China’s food production.

Australia’s major threat to food production is climate change. Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns due to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. It affects the whole world along with most biomes such as deciduous forest, rainforest and desert scrub which is where Australia mainly produces its food. Approximately 53% of Australia's total land area is used for agriculture. Climate change has the ability to affect soil resources, cause …show more content…

As shown in both figures above, climate change will have a massive impact on China in the next few years. In Figure 1, China is in an orange colour indicating there will be a serious change in the weather and food production strategies. Ways of decreasing the effects climate change can include transitioning to a new, low-carbon economy to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change and sustainably using materials.

Increasing demand for food globally mainly affects China greatly with their rapid population growth (currently at 1.4 billion people). Securing enough food for its people, however, will be even more difficult for China in the years ahead due to a number of factors, including increased competition from a growing global population, the reduction of the country’s agricultural work force as millions of Chinese farmers move to the cities, and the changing diets of its population as Chinese become more

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