Geography And Natural Resources Affecting Australia's Trade

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Location, natural resources, and climate all affect where people live and also impacts Australias trade. Especially climate, this plays a huge role. Natural resources impacts Australias trade big time. In this essay I will speak about location, climate, natural resources, and trade. Climate is what mainly affects Australia because most people do not want to live in the middle of Australia, when the climate there is hot and dry.But, along the coastline is where most of the citizens of Australia choose to live, because the climate there is temperate which means cool, not dry, and not to cold but not to hot summers. The Australian Governtment Bureau of Meteorology shows that the middle of Australia is red, and if you look at the map key it shows that red means hot ( persistently dry ). But along the coastline is blue and green which means, temperate and tropical. …show more content…

Like I just said in paragraph two, most people choose to live along the coastline of Australia near the Sydney Opera House. Most people live near this performing arts building, which is around Sydney which is the capital of Australia. Australia: Population Density shows that Southeast of Australia has over 1,000 people in that area. People also live near the Sydney Opera House because the majority of the major airports are located there as well as the railroads. The Tasman Sea is also near that which means there is an easy way to trade. The Indian Ocean is also located right next to Australia. Gallopade states, “ The coastal region of eastern Australia is highly populated. The temperate climate brings plenty of rain and the land there is fertile. During the growing seasons, people grow crops and raise animals.” That is why most people choose to live near the Southeast