How Does Portia Use Manipulation In Julius Caesar

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Caroline Craine 1/24/2023 English 9 Manipulation and Persuasion in Julius Caesar To influence Brutus, Portia and Cassius exploit their relationships with him to solidify their argument and control over him. Since Portia and Cassius both try to influence Brutus, they use similar tactics, but sometimes need to apply other techniques of either manipulation or persuasion to get their point across based on factors such as their background. To understand these influences, the matter of how manipulation and persuasion are similar, different, and applied comes into play. Both Portia and Cassius display manipulative and persuasive techniques with Brutus, as well as when they exploit their connections with him to support their arguments. But first, …show more content…

For example, she uses rhetorical questions such as “Dwell I but in the suburbs/ Of your good pleasure?/ If it be no more,/ Portia is Brutus’ harlot, not his wife.” (2.1.307-310) to provoke emotion in Brutus. In the Roman empire, harlots were not honorable, and the thought for Brutus of having one for a wife was not a pleasant one, and would make him want to prove she is not a harlot and share his troubles with her. Portia mostly appeals to the emotions of her husband, since by default in the Roman empire, women did not have as much trust as men at the time. For this reason, she used a weapon in the influential arsenal women had, which was emotional control. Portia also exploits the Ethos part of the Socratic method. For example, when she states “grant I am a woman, but withal/ A woman that Lord Brutus took to wife. I grant I am a woman, but withal/ A woman well-reputed, Cato’s daughter. /Think you I am no stronger than my sex, /Being so fathered and so husbanded?” (2.1.315-320) One would think since Brutus and Portia are a couple they trust each other, but Portia has to remind Brutus she is credible. Since Brutus values honor, trust is vital in convincing him to do something. When the speaker includes the values of the audience, the point becomes immediately important to them. The effect of Portia’s use of Pathos …show more content…

Continually, Portia established herself as “a woman well-reputed” in the terms of other men, her father and her husband. The fact she had to do this proves social status corresponds to how effective persuasion is. By proving her