How Does Shakespeare Present Lady Macbeth

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The tragic play Macbeth written by Shakespeare demonstrates two characters who love each

other but whose decisions make them grow apart in ways they could not imagine.Macbeth is a

smart man who is overpowered by his wife lady Macbeth. She controls him and influences most

of his decisions. Macbeth has always wanted to be king, but doesn't know how to get there.

Lady Macbeth gives him the plan to murder Duncan,in a highly-charged emotional speech.

She convinces him by tricking him about his masculinity.After the killing of Duncan Macbeth

starts being secretive and keeps everything to himself.As the play progresses Macbeth starts

making decisions without telling lady Macbeth which puts a strain on their relationship.

At the start of the …show more content…

Throughout the first couple of

scenes lady Macbeth is the dominating person in this relationship because she makes a lot

of decisions for Macbeth and persuades him into a lot of things"Shall sun that morrow see!Your

face,my thane is a book where men may read strange matters. To beguile the time,look like the

time. Bear welcome in your eye,your hand,your tongue. Look like th' innocent

flower(1.6,line72-77). For example the killing of king Duncan was Macbeth's idea, but it was lady

Macbeth that guided him and kept him going. Macbeth did not want to do it, but he did anyway

because he did not want to be a coward in her eyes "Wouldst thou have that(45)

Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting “I dare

not” wait upon “I would” Like the poor cat i’ the adage?"(1.7,lines45-48)Going through the play,

Macbeth's and lady macbeth's relationship changes Drastically after Duncan's assassination


After the killing of Duncan lady Macbeth is no longer the the driving force in the relationship.

Macbeth starts taking the role of making decisions on his own and no longer discussing