How Does Social Media Commit Suicide

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Before cellphones and social media, bullying used to be pushing each other around on the playground. Since the evolution of the internet, cell phones, and social media, the amount of bullying has increased drastically. Kids are ganging up on others posting material on social media for everyone to see. It’s bad enough that people are being bullied, but bullying someone with a mental illness can cause them to commit suicide. Losing a life to bullying is incredibly tragic, and action needs to be taken to stop it.
Just recently, I almost lost my cousin to suicide. She is a senior in high school, and has been bullied a lot. There has been multiple times where people have posted terrible things about her on social media. Throughout the last few years she has gone through a great number of friends. Girls gang up on her and one minute their best friends and the next they turn their backs on her. On one Friday night, a group of her friends came over to pick up a sweatshirt. They asked her if she was going to the homecoming football game, and she told them she didn’t have anyone to go with. They then asked her to take a picture of the group and left. Later that night she took sixty five ADHD pills and went to bed. She should have been dead within …show more content…

When questioned about mental and physical bullying, 89.3% of physical bullying victims were boys, while 67.1% of mental bullying victims were girls” (335). Whether it’s face to face or over social media, it shows that over half the girls are being bullied psychologically. This raises great concern for these victims because in some cases according to bullying criteria intervention is over looked. In another survey, Greenwald confirms, “36.9% reported they have been a victim of verbal bullying, 32.1% rumor spreading, 25.8% social exclusion, 13.2% physical bullying and 10.1% cyber bullying”