Abortion In Texas And Middle School Bullying By Sherry F. Colb

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ortion is a hard topic for people to talk about, especially the people who go through it. Everyone's opinion on abortion is different, some people hate that you have the option to end a pregnancy. Having an abortion can cause people to bully you or say things online, causing you to be depressed and lead to tragic consequences. So, let's talk about it. For this topic, I read an article called “Abortion in Texas and Middle-School Bullying” by Sherry F. Colb. This article is about a girl named Tina, who moved to Sherry's school and was bullied. Sherry’s friends called her a loser and made fun of the way she looked, her voice, and her lack of confidence. Sherry never did anything to stop them from bullying her. The article said that, “Tina, of course, stands for the woman who wants an abortion”. A reporter heard her call an Uber and a Lyft car …show more content…

The driver had no right to cancel her ride just because of something they heard. Bullying is something that happens all around the world. The next article I want to talk about is about bullying at school. Susan Ladika wrote an article called “Bullying and Cyberbullying, Are Schools Doing Enough to Protect Victims”. This article provides an overview of bullying and cyberbullying and how it affects youth, children, and adults. Susan Ladika states that, “An increasing share of K-12 schools in the United States are reporting incidents of online bullying, sometimes with tragic consequences”. This evidence shows that schools are not doing enough to protect children from bullying. This article made me realize that bullying can start at such a young age and this topic should be brought up more often to stop bullying. Teachers and families need to teach their class and children that bullying is not right, and no one should have to go through it. Let's talk more about