How Does Squealer Contribute To The Unfairness Of Animal Farm

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In Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, the animals overthrow their human oppressors to establish a society based on equality and justice. However, as time passes, the farm's ideals crumble, giving way to an unfair and unequal community. This essay will suggest that Squealer, Napoleon's manipulative and deceitful mouthpiece, is liable for Animal Farm's becoming an unequal society. Squealer caused many problems and ended up working toward the farm's fall into tyranny through his masterful manipulation of words, propaganda work, and repressing of any opposition.

Squealer's manipulation of language plays a pivotal role in perpetuating the unfairness of Animal Farm. He twists the meanings of words and phrases to suit the pigs' interests and …show more content…

He serves as Napoleon's mouthpiece, spreading false information and distorting the truth to control the animals' beliefs and actions. An example is seen on page 80, which states, " The plot was for Snowball, at the critical moment, to give the signal for flight and leave the field to the enemy...I will even say, comrades, he would have succeeded if it had not been for our heroic Leader, comrade Napoleon." (Orwell 80) This demonstrates how Squealer portrays Snowball as a threat to the farm's well-being, despite Snowball's earlier contributions while falsely painting Napoleon as heroic and noble. Squealer manipulates the animals' perception of reality through his persuasive speeches, forming an environment where unquestioning loyalty and allegiance to Napoleon becomes the norm. This constant bombardment of propaganda prevents the animals from questioning the unfair practices and consolidates the pigs' …show more content…

Whenever an animal raises concerns or doubts about the pigs' actions, Squealer quickly intervenes to quell any opposition and maintain the status quo. He uses intimidation, fear tactics, and manipulation to silence dissenting voices. One example is, "Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions." (Orwell 62) This example exhibits how Squealer uses persuasion and fear to convince the other animals to believe him. Squealer ensures that the pigs' rule remains unchallenged by gaslighting the animals and making them doubt their perceptions. This suppression of dissent prevents the animals from advocating for their rights and perpetuates the unfairness of Animal

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