
How Does Stanley Feel About Writing In The Classroom

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Stanley is a grade three student. When I conducted our conversation together I had very little understanding of who Stanley was, but in the weeks that followed I payed attention to what was happening in the classroom. Stanley really enjoyed reading…. Like REALLY enjoyed it, or so he said. I did not believe at first how much he enjoyed reading until I continued to watch his habits. When we talked about how much he enjoyed writing, he seemed to be wary of it. And when we lastly talked about how he is a language user, he talked much about where he wants to go with language. Stanley really enjoys reading. In the classroom whenever there is an opportunity to read a book or there is free time for activities. He always chooses to open a book. When …show more content…

I found this interesting because in my past I have found that students who enjoy reading also enjoy writing. For Stanley, this was not the case. Stanley said “whenever mrs.----- tells us to write a reflection for our assignments I really don’t like it… I know what I want to say, but don’t feel confident in my own writing of the words”. This is really interesting because I have found through my own experiences that the more you read, the more vocabulary you possess. He stated, “We never do creative writing in class, we always have to do writing assignments on Shakespeare’s life or we have to write a reflection on our class book”. When asked if he believes he would enjoy writing if he got to write about whatever he liked, he responded, “yea I probably would, I can’t really know for sure …show more content…

This could be problematic in the near future when he begins getting assessed specifically on his writing. I can see Stanley not trying to write creatively in his future, which would impact him penmanship as well as his ability to understand punctuation and writing structure. Future expectations for Stanley would be for him to keep reading. For his age and his grade level he is ahead of the rest. In regards to his writing skills he can definitely use more work otherwise he may never improve. And lastly in regards to how he as a language user is, in my semi-professional opinion is that he is exactly where he should be. His personal goals in learning more languages is not required of him at this time. If he does end up making this goal, that would be

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