“A sailor… chooses the wind that takes the ship from safe port… but winds have a mind of their own” This is one of the things Charlotte Doyle, age 13, learned as she voyaged to her home in Providence, Rhode Island, in the novel The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. Raised in the 1830’s and destine to become a lady, Charlotte Doyle endured many changes through out her 8 week voyage. When Charlotte first set sail on The Seahawk she believed she was better than the crew because she was a higher social class. Charlotte took a liking to the Captain because of his social class and his manners. However, as the novel progressed, Charlotte soon found out Captain Jaggery was cruel to his crew, yet the crew was so kind to her. When Charlotte …show more content…
She considers herself better than the crew and has tea with the Captain, whom she considers her equal, every day. However, Charlotte’s feeling soon change as she grows closer to the crew. Because Charlotte was not used to the rocking of the ship, she got very sea sick. When Charlotte was sick the only person who took care of her was Zachariah, the cook. Zachariah spooned gruel and water into her mouth. When Charlotte went to the forecastle to retrieve a needle she accidentally saw a pistol and a round robin, a sign of mutiny. Prior to, the Captain assured her there were no other firearms on board but his. Charlotte told the Captain what she witnessed but when Charlotte witnessed the Captain’s wrath, she decided to take a stand. Charlotte joins the crew for justified mutiny. She was faced with a test, Charlotte had to climb to the Royal Yard. The Royal Yard was the highest section of the mast. Charlotte completed the task as a changed person. Charlotte moved from her assigned cabin to the forecastle, where the crew stayed. Charlotte was given her own hammock in the corner of the room with a curtain for privacy. The crew respects Charlotte, and instead of calling her “Miss” they start to call her Charlotte. Thinking to herself, Charlotte realized the life she once lived was a prison and she now knows what it is like to be