How Does The Dystopia Relate To The Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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In most distopias described as utopias represented in literature and in other forms of media, the citizens of the utopia are shown a false reality from what is really going on around them. In the movie The Island, the citizens of the dystopia believe that the world has ended and everyone that is left are all survivors. The people of the facility all await to go to a place called the Island. The Island is the only place on earth that is habitable and is basically the definition of paradise. The main character, Lincoln Six Echo, experiences the human emotion knows as curiosity, and wonders why everything around him is the way it is. Lincoln begins to ask questions like why he can not eat bacon, who folds his clothes, and what the job he does is really for. Lincoln has a friend named Steve that knows …show more content…

In the Allegory of the Cave, three brothers are chained to a wall and the brother can only see shadows of real things. One brother is set free from the cave and can now perceive reality for what it really is. The brother tries to go back and save his other brothers but his brothers are too comfortable in their chains. Even if the brother was able to set his brothers free and let them see outside of the cave, the brothers would have gone blind from the brightness. Both Linda and John died because they were shown new realities too fast which is the representation of the brothers going blind from the brightness of the sun. Even though most of the realities the characters talked about in this essay have been shown a false reality the reality was still real to these characters. In the Matrix Morpheus says “Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?". Reality is built upon