How Does The Environment Affect Learning Environment

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The problem affecting English pursing system in Indonesia is learning environment. Learning environment in general can be interpreted as all kinds of conditions and places that can support the occurrence of learning. Learning environment is where a learning environment that is designed or built to help learners improve their learning productivity, so that learning and learning process is achieved in accordance with the expected. If well organized, the learning environment can be a valuable tool for building and maintaining a positive attitude. A positive attitude is a valuable asset for learning. With such a feeling, the teacher will want to teach seriously, and the students will learn well too. Learning environment is one of the important factors in a learning process in the classroom. Factors affecting the learning environment are classroom management, classroom condition, peers. The reason I write this essay because the learning environment is very important in the success of learning, especially English, everything related to the place, the learning process implemented is very important, so the factors that influence or support should be able to help educators or students in a learning, especially learn English. Learning environment aims to cover all the conditions that exist in the process place of a learning process and will affect the development of students.
Humanistic approaches
According to Humanistic approaches, stress the