How Does Walmart Affect The Economy?

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The documentary “Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices” made 9 years ago by Robert Greenwald talks about the negative effects Walmart has on local businesses and the economy. Walmart is also criticized for its low wages and poor service, as clearly stated in the documentary. It also is argued that the company is a monopoly that hurts small businesses and the American economy altogether. This documentary is an effective argument because of the negative effect on people’s communities, their strong monopoly, their strong acts of racism towards black people, and Walmart’s negative effect on the economy. This documentary also highlights the many ways Walmart has been accused of harming its employees and the community, and it shows how the residents …show more content…

Walmart runs a monopoly by using its wealth, popularity, size, and credibility (ethos) to beat the competition. That is hurting the economy and small businesses as a whole, hurting everybody except Walmart itself. Walmart has been accused of harming its employees by reducing wages, bad work hours, and reducing hours. Walmart has been reducing wages as stated in the documentary because if you miss a day you will get your pay reduced affecting everybody in the community (pathos). You can only miss 5 to 6 days every 6 months till they fire you, making it very difficult to do things with your community. Walmart is known for offering overtime and when you do overtime they then reduce your normal hours to pay you the same they would have paid if you hadn’t worked overtime at all. Walmart harms their African American workers with racism. Where the manager said, “Innie Minnie Minnie Moe caught a N$%%@& by the toe”(logos). It is stated the worker reported that 1 in 5 African Americans that work at Walmart experience racism while working there. It had a terrible toll on the workers of color, emotions and mental health and nothing came to light because it could put Walmart in a bad