Why Is Walmart Good For America

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The million-dollar question is “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?” After doing some research and watching “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price,” Documentary. The clear answer is NO, Walmart is not good for America, nor any other country in the world. Wal-Mart as a hole is one of if not the largest business on the planted making over 220 billion dollars a year and has a profit of over 7 billion annually. They claim to be for the people, with their “family friendly” ads. They are just in it for themselves. “Of the 10 richest people in the world, five are Waltons” said the nstarzone online news article. Followed by “the ruling family of the Wal-Mart empire. S. Robson Walton is ranked by London's "Rich List" as the wealthiest human on the planet, having sacked up more than $65 billion ($45.3 billion) in personal wealth and topping Bill Gates as No. 1. Wal-Mart and the Waltons got to the top the old-fashioned way -- by roughing people up.” They gain so much money and keep it to themselves, yet minimum wage is at $9 in the state of Texas. They are also wrongfully mistreating employees to the point of forcing them to quit their jobs. Sam Walton (the creator of Wal-Mart), would be so disappointed with the new way corporate has been treating their associates and customers.

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