How External Factors Influence Identity Development

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External factors are more prominent in someone’s self-identity development. Although there are many internal factors in one’s identity, external factors are by far more influential. Their family is an external factor just as there friends. Those opinions and society’s opinions effect how someone becomes they who they are today. All of those opinions are external factors in their lives. Even if someone is distant from his or her family, there family still influences them and shapes them into who they are today. One way parents effect their child’s development is they have their own opinions. “There are few extended clans that can’t point to the firstborn, with the heir-apparent bearing, who makes the best grades, keeps the other kids in line, when Mom and Dad grow old, winds up as caretaker and executor too.” (Jeffery Kluger). There siblings also have a huge impact on their lives. There sibling may teach them ways that are not accurate then the child grows up and gets in trouble for doing what they thought was accurate. If someone in …show more content…

When they hear something reputedly, they are eventually going to believe them no matter if it is just there family or no other people opinions still stick. People are all over the world and their opinions are essential to identity formation of self-image. Others opinions and perceptions of people need to change but they affect how this child is going to grow up and how he is going to live his life. Teens strengthen themselves through ruthless comparisons and persistent exclusions.” (A Guide to Teenage Identity: For Parents, Teachers, and Counselors & Youth Workers by Lorenzo Johnson, Ph.D.). Usually, in their late teen years, adolescents realize that it takes a well-established identity to tolerate radical differences” (A Guide to Teenage Identity: For Parents, Teachers, and Counselors & Youth Workers by Lorenzo Johnson,