
How Gender Stereotypes Affected By Social Media

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Social media has completely warped the way teenagers think. Life has become more about showing off the great things a person is doing and less about enjoying these great things. Social media creates a false reality and causes teenagers to become obsessed with what they think defines themselves. Social media has ripped apart every ounce of privacy a person possesses and leads to dangerous situations.
The worth of a person has now transformed into how many “likes” he or she receives on a photo or how many "followers” he or she has. Of course, Internet companies feed off of this misunderstanding. Applications have been created that allow social media users to purchase *followers. Just the thought of a young boy or girl being desperate enough …show more content…

My social media became full of words of remorse. I was amazed by the amount of my peers who posted pictures with loving captions but did not bother to reach out to me in person. I soon realized that the pictures posted were not just for me. These pictures were posted for extra “likes” for those posting them. The fact that someone would take advantage of a tragedy and attempt to squeeze popularity out of it for themselves is pathetic to me. Perhaps the intentions were not as selfish as I am assuming, but the evidence points to the reality that social media has corrupted the way people view …show more content…

It is now easier to instant message a person than to actually talk to them in person. Relationships have become shallow and manipulative. It is impossible to know the true meaning of a sentence just by reading it. We no longer focus on body language and facial expression because we cannot see these things over text messaging. This leads to teenage girls frantically picking apart messages from boys. Girls will send copies of messages to their friends in a desperate attempt to know the true meaning. For example, girls have many interpretations for the word, “Hey.” Girls place different meanings on this word depending on the amount of periods and the occurrence of more than one Y. Is this really what our communication skills have turned into?
Another problem with social media is an event known as “catfishing.” Catfishing* occurs when a person creates a false social media profile with stolen pictures and made up information and attempts to “fish” for a love interest. This is a very dangerous practice and can lead to harmful relationships. A television show has been created in order to catch these types of people. The fact that this show is even needed is very disappointing. It must be stressed to teenagers that the Internet cannot be

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