How Has Fugui Changed Throughout The Revolutionary Years

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Throughout the Revolutionary Years The book “to live” follows a man named Fugui throughout his life story as an adult about personal and political disturbance of the late twentieth century. It shows how gender relationships change, the problems people faced like sicknesses, job loses, starvation, family issues, and political problems. Throughout the story, the narrator, Fugui, shows examples of all the problems people faced during the revolution and how hard it was on families, but in his own way. Fugui is the main character in the story and he is the son of a rich landowner. He is self-centered and likes to spend his time gambling and sleeping around, even though he has a wife and baby girl at home. Fugui’s gambling problem leads him to spend …show more content…

One of the national Army official sees the fight and told Fugui he must join the Army. He then goes and fights in the Chinese civil war. During his time in war, Fugui is constantly hiding from the communist crossfires in caves and bunkers, so he doesn’t get killed, while having no access to food and must survive on very little. Many of his teammates die outside the caves and bunkers, and he is forced to leave them there. After two years of being in war, he is captured and sent home to his farm and family. Once he arrives home, he soon realizes that going to war saved his life, as if he hadn’t gone to war, he would’ve been killed due to gambling all his money away and being in involved in that …show more content…

He was pressured by his peer gamblers to keep gambling even though it was causing problems at home with his wife. His wife wanted him to stop gambling, as he was throwing all their money away, but due to his peers telling him not to and what seemed like a slight addiction, he continued to fall for the peer pressure and ignore his problems at home. His slight addiction almost ended his life, but after he ended up taking a completely different turn and going into war, it not only ended his addiction problems but also helped him look at life a different way and avoid getting killed by the gambling issue happening in