How Has Hosea Impacted Today's Society

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The prophet Hosea was a part of the northern kingdom which is called Israel. A prophet is a person that speaks about God[Miller (2011) #4] and the truth about him to other people, a prophet challenges the community to abandon evil and live lives of holiness. The prophets have impacted todays society because people today still believe in God and listens to the prophetic voices. Prophets challenge people today to be faithful to the covenant both back when Jesus was around and today. a covenant is an agreement with God all the way through the bible. Kingdom prophets have a call to influence whole communities.

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Hosea was commanded by God to have a wife that would turn out to become a prostitute to show Gods relationship with Israel[MIller (2011) #411]. Hosea means salvation[google(2016). He was a man that God used to speak through to get his message to other people. Hosea is a person that speaks about God and the truth about him to other people, Hosea is a prophet that challenges the community to abandon evil and live lives of holiness. the message is unfaithfulness. God's love is "inexplicable …show more content…

Hosea was a prophet that prophesied just before the destruction of Israel in 722 BC. He preached to the northern kingdom. Ephraim was the largest tribe in Israel and sometimes the whole northern kingdom was sometimes called Ephraim because of how big the tribe. The book of Hosea was written in the northern kingdom in the eighth century BC. During the reign jeroboam 2 (786-746 BC). His parents name is Beeri. Jewish tradition says that he only said a few words of the prophecy. He considered a prophet in Judaism, he was then exiled by Assyrians. The word Beeri mean "my well" a well of water. He was also holy according to the