How Has Muscle Shoals Changed The Music Industry?

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Muscle Shoals is a music city powerhouse located in northern Alabama. There has been various artists and music produced in my new home town of Muscle Shoals, Alabama. The very first recording studio, FAME Recording Studios, is still open and producing music today after being one of the first recording studios in northern Alabama. This historical music studio is known as the Sound of the Shoals, and has changed the music industry in the state of Alabama. Florence Alabama Music Enterprise or better known for the acronym FAME, opened in 1959 in Muscle Shoals, AL. When first opened its original name was FAME Publishing given by its founders; Rick Hall, Billy Sherrill, and Tom Stafford (FAME Website). As a year passed the partnership with the founders of FAME dissolved, and Rick Hall took over sole ownership of the studio. With the first location of the recording studio being in an old candy and tobacco warehouse, the need of a new building was very obvious (Explore Magazine). It was not until 1961 when the production of Arthur Alexander’s “You Better Move On”, raised enough money for …show more content…

FAME’s rhythm section moved to Tennessee and the beats of FAME Studios had also moved with them, leaving them without music and beats. The solution to this problem was the emergence of a new rhythm group from Muscle Shoals, AL, called the Swampers. This new rhythm group had a different sound to their music, which helped FAME expand. The Swampers “swampy” sound to their music came from a combination of country, rhythm, and blues. The Swampers were formed particular for FAME Studios and made many hits in FAME up until 1969. During this time the Swampers decided to form their own studio because of conflicts with Rick Hall, but in spite their differences the Swampers brought much success to FAME Studios during their time with them (Whitley, 2014 pg.