How Has Technology Changed The Movie Research Paper

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How Technology Changed the Filming Industry:

First and foremost, technology allowed the film industry to the consumer things like color, sound, and special effects into movies. Which without we could not have been witnesses to some of the greatest movies of all times. Movies such as Star Wars, The Toll of the Sea, Gone with the Wind, Avatar, and all Marvel movies. Technology’s role in movies must not be undermined as it is constantly evolving and with new technological advances comes new methods of producing films. Technology enabled movies to explore new and more interesting subject matters. It has made it so that instead of paying to see a film where people get on a train, we treated to a scene where Ironman flies across the sky and it …show more content…

Meaning that they would paint frame by frame suing watercolors over the film. Eventually, the first color was made by Charles Urban in 1808 using a two-color system. The process began by taking film using a red and green filter that when played back using a red and green filter (inverted green-red, red-green) would create a color film because of our eye’s persistence of vision. However, this process would not allow for the reproduction of blue and the machinery that was needed to play back the images was too much for cinemas at the time. [7]

Technicolor Two Strip: The next process used to develop color film was called Technicolor Two Strip. Which used a beam splitter to divert the into two filters of film into two black and white frames. One was dyed red orange and the other blue. The two images would then be placed together and played through a normal project to create a color film. Which reproduced colors including blue. [7] This method did not require the fancy projector that was needed to create color film. It simply utilized the laws physics and how light behaves. Using nothing but a projector, the film would create the first true color film.