How Has The Industrial Revolution Changed Our Society

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The Industrial Revolution is a concept and development that has essentially changed our society and economy. In the middle of the 18th and 19th centuries is the first industrial revolution, it involved a change from largely agricultural societies to outstanding industrialization as an effect of the steam engine (Margaret Rouse, 2017) and many manufacturing machines were build particular in the industry of weaving (Dombrowski & Wagner, 2014). The second industrial revolution at the beginning of the 20th century was driven by electricity, chemistry, the combustion engine and involved expansion of industries and mass production as well as technological advances (Margaret Rouse, 2017). The next technological age is the invention …show more content…

Industry 4.0 also covers more than cyber-physical systems. Intelligent data gathering, data storage, and data distribution through artifacts and humans are fundamental elements here (Bloem, 2014). Industry 4.0 is the current and developing environment in which disruptive technologies and trends such as the Autonomous Robots, Simulation, System Integration, Internet of Things, Cyber security, Cloud Computing, Additive Manufacturing, Augmented Reality, and Big …show more content…

2.1 Architectural Components
Figure 1 is a complete reference architecture for cloud computing. It is important to note that the figure represents an end-to-end reference architecture that addresses all the seven layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, and extends to include the business, commercial, and governance aspects (Ramachandra, Iftikhar, & Khan, 2017). Figure 1: NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
2.2 Advantages of Cloud Computing
According to Olaru (2014), some of the key advantages are:
1. Cost of entry for all organizations including small firms
2. Almost immediate access to the resources
3. Reduction in IT barriers to innovation
4. Easy to scale the services
5. Implement and/or offer new class of application and delivery