
How Is Friar Lawrence A Tragic Hero

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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy because it contains a character that fits the definition of a tragic hero.The tragic hero is Friar Lawrence because to be a tragic hero you have to have high position.Friar Lawrence is a priest ,and he has many people who come to him to talk.For example romeo came to him to talk about how he loves Juliet.Friar lawrence flaw is being deceitful because he knew the truth about juliet but he decides not to tell anyone ,and this is what leads to Romeo and Juliet's death.Friar Lawrence's fall is when his letter didn't get to romeo,telling him about Juliet's plan.If the Plague wouldn't have spread romeo would know about juliet.Friar Lawrence Mistake is walking off from juliet when she has just receive news that romeo is dead.After Friar lawrence told Juliet that Romeo has died from consuming poison,Juliet decides that she is also going to kill herself because Romeo is dead. Friar Lawrence does accept responsibility for Romeo and Juliet's death.Friar Lawrence should have had Juliet and Romeo together when he tells Juliet about the poison.Instead he writes a letter ,but the letter doesn't get to Romeo ,and Romeo has no idea the plan that Friar Lawrence and Juliet has.In result of Friar Lawrence accepting responsibility he is now arrested.
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